Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Blog # 6

Topic # 3

Hello, my name is Ibrahim and I am going to share information on NDAA and if it is connected on Zeitoun's experience in prison. The NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) is a bill that was signed into United States law on December 31, 2011 by President Barack Obama. The bill basically stated that it funds our military for this year and  the United States Government are able to detain whomever they want without charging that person with any crime or giving a trial if they are suspected in being a terrorist even if the suspect is a citizen within our country. As for those who oppose it, a political group called ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)  are against this bill because they believe it might look like a fix in protecting ourselves from terrorists but it breaks our country's rights and people's freedom.
          I believe there is a connection between Zeitoun from the book Zeitoun by Dave Eggars and the NDAA because after Hurricane Katrina, Zeitoun experiences imprisonment with no connection to the outside world. He was militarily abducted by the army of U.S government for being suspected of a terrorist. His right's of being a citizen of The United States were stripped off and wasn't even able to make a phone call to family or a lawyer. This is the experience I think the NDAA bill might give to everyone in the U.S.A and the scary fact about this would be that its legal.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tweet Post

My name is Ibrahim from an Eng 101 class and in this blog I'm going to take out one tweet from my twitter that I think is significant.

Andrea Villalobos
 Zeitoun was missing kathy and thought that it was a bad idea to leave them and stay in the city.. Now it was too late(235-236) 

I posted this tweet because it seems significant that Zeitoun has a change of heart about his family. He over-thought  his decision in staying during the storm and missed his family dearly. But it was too late now. Importantly this shows us we need to make smart decisions in the nick of time.

Blog # 4

My name is Ibrahim, and this is my fourth blog assignment which asks me to summarize my findings on the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. 
Money was played as an important role during the Hurricane Katrina.  Some as such people that would know this would be from the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans. As they were deficient in cash, a circumstance was  made where the people there had no helpful transportation or resources as they were trying to survive. Meanwhile, some middle-class people in New Orleans like the Zeitouns had to face difficult choices also, such as whether holding their family business down during the storm or  to evacuate, leaving their wealth, business and home.  As victims of Hurricane Katrina were facing a difficult time and choice, the United States government who actually had money, chose to delay the aid that was supposed to be given to Katrina victim. In the way these examples are given, I feel that money truly was an important role during the catastrophe of Hurricane Katrina and that it could have changed the disaster in many ways. In this essay, I will show how each of these groups confronted a different kind of Hurricane due to the power money had in their capability to make certain kinds of decisions.
The Zeitouns, from the book Zeitoun by Dave Eggers, had a interesting experience of Hurricane Katrina because they had to choose if they should leave all their belongings in the Hurricane or to evacuate and save themselves. For example, Zeitoun's wife Kathy, thought mostly of her family than their business and evacuated. On the other hand, Zeitoun also thought of his family but didn't want to see his family business and possession's be destroyed in the storm. As Kathy thought for her husband's welfare if he stayed she realized "Their business wasn't a simple one" (Eggers 50). They're business consisted of more responsibilities and was liable for other homes. In the end Kathy decides to leave her husband behind to take care of their business.
People in the Lower 9th Ward however, had to face even difficult terms than the middle-class people such as the Zeitoun's. Generally because many did not have access to money. For them, their choices were based around if the government will aid them in to evacuating or giving them supplies because most of the people there relied on public transportation and the governments help. Houses and buildings "ripped" from their foundations were scattered (Landphair). Due to the hurricane, many died and almost all of them lost everything they had in the 9th Ward.
As for the Government and FEMA, it was basically their job to protect from and resolve any  kind of natural disasters. Ironically, FEMA send away people from aiding the victims of the storm by "gunpoint"(Cohen). This makes you wonder if the Government is there to really help or to make matters worse.

Cohen, Mitchel. "Government Denied Water to New Orleans Residents During Katrina, Relief Workers Say." Government Denied Water to New Orleans Residents During Katrina, Relief Workers Say. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. <http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_6929.cfm>.
Landphair, Juliette. "€œThe Forgotten People of New Orleans€: Community, Vulnerability, and the Lower Ninth Ward." "“The Forgotten People of New Orleans”: Community, Vulnerability, and the Lower Ninth Ward," by Juliette Landphair, Journal of American History. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. <http://www.journalofamericanhistory.org/projects/katrina/Landphair.html>.
 Eggers,Dave.  Zeitoun.  New York: Vintage Books,2009. Print.

Monday, October 22, 2012

In-Class Zeitoun Blog

In the book, Zeitoun by Dave Eggers, Zeitoun stays behind when the storm was arriving. His wife and children left him because they know he is a stubborn man and would do what he says. Zeitoun stays back to tend his business by protecting his tools and other houses he has been working on. Later on in the book, after Hurricane Katrina passes, he paddles with his canoe helping any stranded survivors. At one point, he helps a very old woman who didn't know how to swim. As Zeitoun speaks with his wife Kathy on the phone, Kathy wants him to leave the hurricane site, but he says " I feel like I'm supposed to be here, its Gods will" (Eggers 124). As this is said, it can be added that Zeitoun's personality changes in a religiously destined type of perspective. He believes that there was a reason he is participating in that situation at that particular moment. I believe this is important because if Zeitoun wasn't to believe in "God's will" or destiny, the situation he is in now would have been changed dramatically. He most likely would have vacated that area to meet up his wife and kids instead of thinking he belongs there at that moment. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

In-Class Blog #4 "Zeitoun"

  In the book, Zeitoun by Dave Eggers, Zeitoun and Kathy plays the main character role. Abdulrahman Zeitoun, who simply goes by the name Zeitoun, is a devoted hard-working, stubborn Muslim that is devoted to his family. He began sailing the world with his older brother, Ahmad Zeitoun, and settled in New Orleans as a successful painting contractor. As for Kathy, Zeitoun’s wife was a recent converted Muslim who worked day by day to support her child Zachary, till she married Zeitoun and had more children. Kathy & Zeitoun are a happy couple that works together in their business.
  Later on in the book, a Hurricane named Katrina is soon to hit New Orleans. Kathy doesn’t seem to be worried till their Mayor on the news tells them to evacuate soon. Kathy is then alarmed and soon packs up to get ready to leave. However, Zeitoun, doesn’t seem distressed about the Hurricane. He tells Kathy what is there to be “worried” about and explains he needs to watch over the houses he’s working on (Eggers51). Kathy knows how stubborn her husband can be, they never evacuated in other storms before and didn’t think they need to do so now. Nevertheless, Kathy understands her husband’s point and then leaves to one of her family’s house for the evacuation

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blog # 3 Revision Of Blog #2

   My name is Ibrahim.In this blog I am responding to an assignment in my ENG 101 composition class on climate change. In this assignment,I was told to explain the science of climate change to an outsider reader who knows nothing about the topic, using two essays from the book Global Warming Reader by Bill McKibben.
  According to facts and evidence from the book Global Warming Reader,it can be said that the temperature on earth is slowly increasing thus making it hard for us humans to live in.This is because the rising temperature can lead to insufficient food & the rise of water level by the melting of the north and south pole icebergs and the dehydration of crops & animals which then can lead them to die. The rise of the water level may also cause natural disasters and many other catastrophe. This is what may happen if Earth's temperature keep adding up.
   On page 76 of the chapter The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change,the International Panel on Climate Change a.k.a (IPPC) states that "Human activities are modifying the concentration of the atmospheric constituents that absorb or scatter radiant energy". What this quote is trying to explain is that,due to us humans activity , the earths natural course of depleting carbon dioxide and keeping itself balanced has been unorganized. So these carbon dioxide stay's in our atmosphere and heat's up the climate.This is called the Greenhouse Effect.       

  Also,on page 70 of the chapter The Anthropocene, Paul J. Crutzen & Eugene F. Stoermer explains "In a few generations ,mankind is exhausting the fossil fuels that were generated over several hundred million years.Coal burning and oil burning is at least two times larger than the sum of all natural emissions". By reading these evidence, i think people aren't really paying much attention to their environment. Or else why would they choose to hurt their world just to kill themselves. Mankind have evolved rapidly from barbarian's to a civilization. But the cost of this lead us to destroy our atmosphere. Changing our way just a little can do so much to our earth and i think its time we all learn that.

Monday, October 1, 2012


From 1888 to 1938, humans have increased about  150,000 million tons of co2 in the air. (Callendar 33)