Thursday, September 27, 2012

Blog #2

    My name is Ibrahim.In this blog I am responding to an assignment in my ENG 101 composition class on climate change. In this assignment,I was told to explain the science of climate change to an outsider reader who knows nothing about the topic, using two essays from the book Global Warming Reader by Bill McKibben.

    According to facts and evidence from the book Global Warming Reader,it can be said that the temperature on earth is slowly increasing thus making it hard for us humans to live in because the rising of temperature can lead to insufficient food & the rise of water level which can also turn in to natural disasters. 
   On page 76 of the chapter The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change,the International Panel on Climate Change a.k.a (IPPC) states that "Human activities are modifying the concentration of the atmospheric constituents that absorb or scatter radiant energy". Meaning,due to us humans activity, the earths natural course of depleting carbon dioxide and keeping itself balanced has been unorganized.

     Also,on page 70 of the chapter The "Anthropocene", Paul J. Crutzen & Eugene F. Stoermer explains "In a few generations ,mankind is exhausting the fossil fuels that were generated over several hundred million years.Coal burning and oil burning is at least two times larger than the sum of all natural emissions". By reading these evidence, i think people aren't really paying much attention to their environment. Or else why would they choose to hurt their world just to kill themselves. Changing our way just a little can do so much to our earth and i think its time we all learn that.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

New York Is Lagging as Seas and Risks Rise, Critics Warn By MIREYA NAVARRO

My name is Ibrahim. In this blog I am responding to an assignment in my ENG 101 composition class on climate change. The assignment asked me to acknowledge an article of The New York Times and summarize it in my own words. Based on this article, New York City might get hit by many hazardous weathers by the next half century. However, we are not ready for these types of natural disasters. According to Adam Freed “It’s a million small changes that need to happen. Everything you do has to be a calculation of the risks and benefits and costs you face". What Adam Freed was trying to say was that there are many changes to be made, but you cant be sure of the risks, benefits, or costs that the changes will imply. The article really just explains that New York isn't trying hard enough on finding out ways to prevent these natural disasters. A top comment from the readers pick, Jim Gordan, says "One of the most important and effective measures we need to take in order to ensure the health of our infrastructure, health and environment is to rapidly transition to clean and renewable energy. I agree with Jim Gordan because spending billions on a gate to prevent a flood temporarily will not help us in the long run. We need to find ways to survive when a natural disaster hits us. We need to have a proper reaction to survive instead of finding ways to prevent it temporarily.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Composing Climate Change

I have lived in The United States all my life. They neighborhood here are just familiarized with me. I probably wont get used to any other place than my home here. People here struggle to be someone big. If your not doing that, than your just struggling to live. I went to visit my country for the first time when i was 10. The climate there wasn't what i expected. If you was poor in Bangladesh, you would've been treated different. My family there was really rich so i didn't have to worry bout that. They even had servants and i didn't know that still exists. New York wouldn't allow servants to be had. Another thing different was, in Bangladesh, dignity and respect is a huge thing there. I've learned this when i came to realize the way people there always love to gossip and talk bout others. If they had nothing better to do, they would just be with their friends or family and gossip. In America, people are just too busy to even do that. The time to gossip was in their high school and college years. Once their grown they have other businesses to worry of. The similar part of Bangladesh and New York would be the cops. In my country they don't need to say the Miranda Rights or such things.
They arrest you on the spot and could even torture you.