Monday, September 10, 2012

Composing Climate Change

I have lived in The United States all my life. They neighborhood here are just familiarized with me. I probably wont get used to any other place than my home here. People here struggle to be someone big. If your not doing that, than your just struggling to live. I went to visit my country for the first time when i was 10. The climate there wasn't what i expected. If you was poor in Bangladesh, you would've been treated different. My family there was really rich so i didn't have to worry bout that. They even had servants and i didn't know that still exists. New York wouldn't allow servants to be had. Another thing different was, in Bangladesh, dignity and respect is a huge thing there. I've learned this when i came to realize the way people there always love to gossip and talk bout others. If they had nothing better to do, they would just be with their friends or family and gossip. In America, people are just too busy to even do that. The time to gossip was in their high school and college years. Once their grown they have other businesses to worry of. The similar part of Bangladesh and New York would be the cops. In my country they don't need to say the Miranda Rights or such things.
They arrest you on the spot and could even torture you.

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